Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,646,926 Issue: 704 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y17
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New Series

The Shade Files - Halloween Nightmare: Part One

It was the day before Halloween. At the Defenders of Neopia headquarters, the various agents and support staff working there, myself included, were having a party to celebrate the arrival. It was obvious that the majority of the front line staff, if not all, would be out working the streets the following day, making sure that the children were all safe once the night arrived for trick or treating.

by lupe_hunter_7
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"The Korbats in the Pumpkin Patch" by jade_ceres
Asmundar was a clever little Eyrie, but there was one thing that he just couldn’t figure out tonight, and it had been bugging him and bugging him. He couldn’t get the Korbat face on his pumpkin just right. He had spent hours and hours using his claw on every pumpkin in his owner’s pumpkin patch, but he was a perfectionist and something just wasn’t right. There was pieces of carved pumpkin stuck under his claws and he was beginning to get frustrated. He had been wanting to win his neighbourhood’s pumpkin carving contest for years and years, but he would never win with one of these lifeless-looking drawings he’d just done. There was a Xweetok who always won every year and always looked so smug afterward and he just had to beat him this year. He had to. As he was finishing up his newest non-masterpiece, deciding to give up because the wings weren’t right, just like the tail wasn’t right on the last one and the teeth on the one before that, a Korbat happened to fly by, his wings flashing fast in the sky.

Other Stories


All That Jazz
Brian was disappointed. His neighborhood's Weewoo had not yet delivered the day's Neopian Times issue, twenty minutes after he usually came. Brian had wanted to get a jump on the day, but he couldn't if he was waiting on the post carrier.

by azienskieth


A Rigged Game
If you have illicit goods or services to offer, then Krawk Island is where you want to be. Everyone knows that, of course - pirates made the island famous, and they keep it famous too. There are plenty of famous pirates: Captain Dread, Garin, Captain Scarblade... The list goes on. Grimtooth never thought of himself as a pirate before he travelled to Krawk Island.

by darthmagic


The Ultimate Guide to your Neopets Portfolio
We've all seen them, lurked around in them, and admired them. We're talking about what seems to have become a staple for a lot of Neopians on the site: the portfolio! They've been around for several years now, and in many different variations. This article is a guide to those of you who want to create your own portfolio, or are just curious to know more!

Also by saiphami

by synneblynn


A Snowball Affect
Many times I wonder, if I could, how would I get my offline friends to become Neopians? Many people of my age and around it believe that Neopets is a site only for children! Yes this is true, while the demographic is children, there are many adults, college students, and older teenagers who make up most of the user database. With that stipulation gone, your friend might be more inclined to listen and learn more about the wonders of Neopia! I will talk about some of the things and perks of the site that new users might be interested in.

by emo_angel48


Neopets' Logic
That makes sense...

Also by tarake_7_7_7

by stephsie


What Happens When Pirates Are Bored
Apparently, Captain Scarblade and his crew have too much free time...

by teamchao466

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