The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,614,788 Issue: 702 | 9th day of Collecting, Y17
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Mr. Aramate's Wonderous Emporium of the Soul: Part One

Halfcastle Forge was that most curious of border towns. Neither here, nor there, and certainly of no real importance. Not quite in the Endless Plains. Certainly not part of the Haunted Woods. And not on a major trade route. The town, if you could even call it a town, had only one real claim to fame - being on the Demonica River.

by herdygerdy
Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures

Sweat ran down the side of Meegla's face as she stared at the card in her gloved paws. Yesterday, the Aisha had spent four hours playing Guess the Card with her humble sidekick, Fargon the Grundo. Fargon had been bored out of his mind, begging her to go play some Destructomatch III with him instead, but Meegla had insisted he let her guess the patterns on the cards until her guesses were nearly 90 percent correct.

by hybatsu
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"Twice as Nice" by interstella
S "He's already read this one," Cleo said, setting the small hardcover copy of Courgette Farming down on the table before plucking out the teabag from her mug. The Vandagyre inspected the satchel's tag for a moment before tossing it into the wastebasket. "Drat. I was hoping he hadn’t approached a read this dry," Jamie sighed with a wry smile. He picked up Courgette Farming and flipped it over to look over the back cover's synopsis. He waved the book at Cleo. "Any chance you're looking to start a hobby in gardening?" Cleo shrugged and laughed, accepting the book that had already been rejected twice. "I'll save you the trip to the Money Tree and see if I can become Neopia's next major courgette farmer. Porter didn’t seem too enthused when he was going through this one." Without a doubt, Porter always kept a few spare books in his rucksack whenever he was out and about, just in case he were to finish one. And when he was at home, a book would never be too far out of reach.

Other Stories


The Potion Predicament
With a smile, Snazztacular the Purple Lupe poured Sloth Spaghetti onto the plate of yet another Grundo at the Virtupets Space Station. A gigantic line had formed outside Grundo's Cafe, every one of the clients eager for a delicious meal. Snazz was in fact doing volunteer work; the profits from the food sales were going to charity.

by _brainchild_


The Adventure in Krawk Island
I can feel the soft golden sand on my back and the bright sun shining in my eyes. I awaken at a Island lying in the sand near the docks, I am here with nothing but a small bag of dubloons. I seem to be at alone right now trying to find a treasure of some sort and my father's seem to have disappeared leaving a note "I'll be back soon", yet the ship is still here, not in great condition but able to sail to other places.

by latizule


Neopian Dining: The Golden Dubloon
Tonight I'll tell you about my experience at The Golden Dubloon, one of Neopia’s oldest restaurants. It has a rich history all its own, and it’s still a much-loved part of the island today. And though it’s popular with tourists, it’s also where the locals come to eat, which is always a good sign.

by lycheeprincess


How to Get Your First UC Pet
If you weren’t lucky enough to keep an old-style pet after the conversion, or joined the site later than that, how can you hope to own one of these coveted UC pets? In this article I will go through the various ways you can own a UC pet of your own

by katzam


Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 1
Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't there, hidden in the Shadows.

by june_scarlet


Account Limitations
Oops! You aren't allowed to have more than 4 Neopets at once.

by oh_elaine

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