A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,383,333 Issue: 687 | 26th day of Relaxing, Y17
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New Series

Millie's Monster: Part One

The house looked spooky. Millie gazed at the ancient building; never had she seen a house so enormous. There must be a billion rooms in it! There were half a dozen windows in the front of the mansion alone.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
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"Almost Abandoned Attic" by delphene3
”Your attic is quite…a sight…” Caffax remarked, dusting off his jacket and sidestepping broken glass on the wooden floor. Jiere was still trying to get the cobwebs out of her hair while mumbling to herself. The Ghost Aisha simply floated ahead unaware of the problems faced by the beings with legs.

Other Stories


Scabbard and Vyaro Meet
Scabbard... a wannabe hero, and Vyaro... a tough girl who doesn't mind telling other exactly what she thinks!

by carizeecrow


A Very Maraquan Christmas
There were two things that this had never applied to and probably never would: Yooyuball, and the Day of Giving.

by rookerooke10


The Top Ten Emotions of Altador Cup All-Star Hopeful
The combination of a shiny trophy and the rank “All-Star” emblazoned on one’s user lookup, permanently displaying a player’s dedication and skill, is enough to convince many Neopians that they will make it to All-Star during these AC X games.

by josefine378


100 Neopoint Neopian Readers Program: REMASH
Hey, readers! You can score my entire reading list at the Shop Wizard all for under 100 NP!

by elksquid


(IN)SANE- Altador Cup
Goooo Darigan!

by rocksockgirl95


Team Up
Excitement about the Altador cup is building in Neopia. Zayn is getting tired of it.

by verdantmanner

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