Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,927,879 Issue: 670 | 21st day of Storing, Y16
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New Series

Hotshots: Part One

Mortman peered out into the dimness and the mist of the fens that surrounded Kiko Lake. It was midnight...

by saphira_27
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"Friday: Lost and Found" by vanquishee
Once he overheard his Neofriends saying there was a peculiar looking petpet that resides in it, he knew he had to visit. He retrieved 400 Neopoints from his coin purse, the customary entrance fee one has to pay in order to enter, and tossed it into the waters. Once the fee was paid for, his adventure had begun!

Other Stories


A Struggle for Freedom
Once the whole Battle for Meridell was over, everyone thought everything was back to normal. They also assumed that Lord Darigan was turned back to normal. In reality, he would never be back to normal again.

by minaturepincher


Misadventures of an Innocent Bystander 4: Plessix
I sat in the coffee shop, stirring my unusually strong Starberry cider while mulling over the events of last week. I'd been charged by the Snow Faerie to deliver a package...

by flufflepuff


Adventure Awaits: The Wonder of the Faerie Caverns
What do you need to know about the Faerie Caverns? It's all right here for your perusal.

by nostalgia_14


Mastering the Mutant
Ever wanted to adopt your own Mutant 'pet? Then this is the article for you!

by kreaturepheture


Snowager: Expectation vs. Reality
What do you think you'll get from Snowy?

Idea by saponified

by toffeedatepudding


Taming Melvin the Monster: Hasee Bounce Dilemma

Also by darkpinkrose

by bittersweet52

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