Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,783,880 Issue: 662 | 12th day of Gathering, Y16
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New Series

Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part One

Clayton Moore had to be careful. He was, after all, a member of the Sway. And Faerieland was the domain of their enemy.

by herdygerdy
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Part One

"Another one of those street urchins tried to steal my Neopoints again. I got them back though, like I usually do." Sierra sighed.

by dogz_rock_98
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"A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing" by dogz_rock_98
Sierra wove her way through the maze of carts and kiosks in the Sakhmetan square. She locked her eyes on a dark, beige cloaked figure, the figure almost blending in with the sand in the shadows. The brown Xweetok picked up her pace a little as she followed it. The...

Other Stories


The Mystery of the Cocoa Ukulele
Phyllis looked at her father as he concentrated; hunched over the desk, wood shavings spilling from the top like foam from a can of Neocola. He was slowly working on creating the most perfect ukulele ever...

by codswobble


Why then is Candice the Chocolate Cybunny packing her suitcase in haste, hoping to catch the next passenger boat to Terror Mountain?

Also by totalvideogamefreak

by iljanmw


The Top 5 Chocolate Treats
The ultimate guide to the best chocolates.

by emilyralphy


Getting Ready to Go Back to Neoschool
As summer draws to its end, it is time to begin thinking about getting young Neopets ready to return to Neoschool.

by neuroticat42


Browse for food while hungry at your own risk!

by the_hoshi_pixi


Neopian Starlights
That star is blinking!

Also by kaddisti

by sarah2396

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