The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,968,077 Issue: 658 | 15th day of Hiding, Y16
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New Series

The Invisible Menace: Part One

Adino narrowed his eyes and twitched his nose. "Can't you smell that?"

"Smell what?"

by 77thbigby

An Eyrie Again: Part One

Based on a true story, actually.

by craftygrrl
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"Dean's Good Deed" by scathachs
Dean is a golden Kyrii with the shaggiest hair. It is pretty scruffy, like he just hopped out of a shower and roughed it up with a towel, except it seems to sit like that all day every day. It sort of flows across his face, framing it, in blissful jaggers. It would probably look dapper if his hair were well-kept. Dean stands on the tallish side, just above...

Other Stories


Dean's Good Deed
This troublesome Kyrii is well known for his mischief, having made King Skarl mad more times than anyone else, and he also holds the reputation for classically filling the Rainbow Pool with soap bubbles.

by scathachs


The Meeting of the Council of Twelve
Finally, a hero had arisen to break the spell that the magician herself had cast those long, dark years ago...

by twinz504


A Random Act of Kindness
I dare each and every one of you to add this to your dailies: do good for someone else.

by lizziloo87


How to Master Snowball Fight
There is nothing better to do at Terror Mountain than a good old snowball fight.

by ace_0959


Evil Plans
We finally discover that menacing thief's evil plans.

Also by meerca1234212

by annrawr


Old Neopets Problem!
To be young again...

Art by moon_dance94

by megamak

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