White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,587,388 Issue: 653 | 11th day of Swimming, Y16
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New Series

Hannah, Brynn, and Nabile and We Hate Hanso Club 2: Part One

An Usul with flowing brown hair and a swinging green skirt was running down the hall being pursued by half a dozen guards. She did a front handspring and then slid on her knees, stopping just in front of Nabile...

by kristykimmy
Moltara's Winter: Part One

Jon woke up feeling extremely happy. Today's the day, he thought joyfully...

Also by saltsman

by saudadesdagripe

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"The Story of a Plushie" by reiqua
When I was made, I was a blue Grundo plushie. Just a simple plushie. Most people don't think much of Grundos, especially not in such a boring colour as blue. But I didn't mind. Grundos are a pretty good shape. And blue's a pretty nice colour...

Other Stories


A Gift Called Hope
It was a cool Friday evening when the small Blue Krawk's case was finally seen before the Faerie court.

by valianttsadhe


Event Horizon
Commander Hyren's bare feet compacted the starch-fine layer of sooty dust covering the desolate planetoid, tagged in his helmet's heads-up display only as Calixto Sigma-3204...

by cosmicfire918


Owning a Guild
Running a guild is no easy task.

by terabithian


Alternatives to the Everyday Omelette
Would you like to eat egg for all your meals? I certainly wouldn't.

by snowpuffcookies


The Mystery of the... Island Mystic?!
We all know the Island Mystic's fortune's don't come true... right?

by rinnegans


Way to spoil the moment. Sheesh.

by fullmetalslushie

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