The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 192,004,471 Issue: 623 | 6th day of Celebrating, Y15
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One Way: Part One

"Keep fighting! She can't win!" I yell, dodging a spiky ball of shadow that hisses past my shoulder. Our only chance is to keep moving...

by ellbot1998
Second Chance: Part One

Brynn set the letters down on Fyora's desk. The anonymous notes were composed of newspaper clippings.

"Winged tyrants again."

by liouchan

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Improving: SMART Goals

When you're setting goals, you should make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting SMART goals can help you be motivated enough to successfully improve your account. Through this guide, you'll...

Other Stories


The New Sibling
She was a strange combination of exotic and horrifying.

by goodsigns


Terror Mountain Trip
Every Month of Celebrating I get to go to Terror Mountain with my family for a vacation.

by jobiehanna


The Arguments For And Against Changing Names
I was discussing the possibility of changing pet names with a few people on the Neoboard when I realized how many people were diametrically opposed to each other.

by indulgences


Greatest Autumn-looking Items: Part 3
Looking to add more to your autumn collection? These five autumn-looking grooming items are must have items to make your collection everything you have always wanted!

Also by omgitspuppeh

by sosunub


Speak No More
They always throw those pesky things on my doorstep...

by laehlani


The Trouble With: Neopet Foods
When pets and food run afoul of NeoLogic.

by acexcat13

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