Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 191,605,213 Issue: 612 | 13th day of Gathering, Y15
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New Series

Agent of the Sway: Betrayal - Part One

"No, I quite agree." Thornpipe nodded. "Any number of patisseries might attack us."

by herdygerdy
The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step: Part One

"Please, just two more days! You don't understand! Something like this cannot be a half-hearted effort!"

Also by drobit

by typlohisioh

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Chocolate Ball Quiz

The Annual Chocolate Ball is approaching quickly, and worried Neopians have been fretting over whether they will finally receive an elusive invitation to this evening of class, opulence, and of course... chocolate! Kacheeks and Tonus have been dropping into the Chocolate Factory multiple times per day, buying extra chocolate in attempts to make *someone* notice they are deserving of an invite. Boris and Zafaras have been seen rubbing elbows with the topmost...

Other Stories


History of the Swamp Gas Techo Ban
It would be a Chocolate Ball that everyone would remember for years to come.

by dr_tomoe


Remembering Mr. Scary
Outside, the sky darkened. Both neopets tensed and looked outside. Darigan Citadel was floating overhead again.

by _vinegirl_


Semi-Healthy Ways to Deal With Edna
The lone witch sends Neopians and their pets trudging across the different worlds of Neopia to find items that she needs to complete her latest spell.

by chunky12316


What You Didn't Know About Your Favorite Neoboards!
I decided to study each Neoboard and figure out all the things you might not know about your favorite Neoboards!

by indulgences


Really, just why?

by twillieblossom


Pound Logic
I'd like to adopt!

by silverfang_avatar

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