Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 190,439,813 Issue: 575 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y14
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New Series

Dark Faerie Dreams: Part One

My attention caught by the girl in the reflection.

She was a funny looking faerie, I thought sadly. The only thing dark about her was the simple, single-sleeved, purple dress she wore and perhaps her violet eyes.

by ilovemycatembers

Unbreakable: Part One

"Faerielander?" the Draik growled. Arielle, speechless, could only nod in reply.

The Draik's eyes narrowed. "Good. Run along home now, but when you get there, tell your queen that I have a message for her..."

by sporty2443

The Oldest (Baby) Sister: Part One

It was a Winter's Night in Altador; the snow was piled up and it continued to fall from the grey sky. I found myself waking up...

by anj6193
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"Stand By Me" by allison_kitty11
"Neopia Central is the worst place to be for the Month of Celebrating, for sure. I, for one, have not come across a single cheerful, kind Neopian since this stressful month began." Cev replied, rolling his eyes at his sister's ignorance. At this, Sylvia's eyes widened. She never understood why her older brother was so stingy about the most wonderful holiday of the year..."

Other Stories


A Different Type of Present
"So," she finally says, breaking the silence, but not the tension, "do you think we'll be able to go to the Advent Calendar in two days?"

by snowflakesandfrost


Still Taking Care Of You
"Not again! No, don't leave me! Don't leave, please!" Anna screamed into the darkness.

by almedha


What's Your Favourite Neopian Tradition?
Neopia's traditions are as unique and diverse as its residents, so without further ado, take this quiz and find out which Neopian tradition best suits you!

by fireairshadow


The Top Five Best & Worst Xmas Toys for your Neopet
IT'S BACK! Find out what you should be buying and avoiding this Christmas!

by liesl_1997_11


Habitarium Holiday
That petpetpet surely needs some...

by saudadesdagripe


Christmas Demand
Year, after year, after year...

by sunarel

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