Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,173,383 Issue: 570 | 9th day of Storing, Y14
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New Series

Ruined Library: Part One

That was what the celebration was for, after all: to 'honour' the 'heroes' that 'defeated' the mighty Draik, Vacerus. Laerya scoffed at her mother's choice of words.

by aquadaika
Temptation: Part One

Kayli sighed and looked down at her own caldron, the potion finished and waiting for inspection. She'd finished it while Dronus had been going through his opening instructions...

by april_pumpkin
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"My Language" by marthajill
"Look," I said, exasperated. "I really do not want to go. You could have just left me at home." At my words her face broke open into a smile, reconfirming to me that she didn't even understand the tone of voice I was using...

Other Stories


I don't know if there's a better relief than stepping outside the Pound Transfer Tunnel into the Exchange.

by cc_coffman98


The Flower Queen
Today and yesterday melded together as one memory.

by havittaa


Hannah and the Kreludor Caves - Trophy Guide
This guide will help you learn the techniques required in order to earn a trophy in Hannah and the Kreludor Caves.

by jesseduhlonghorn


So - You Want To Start A Shop?
Shopkeeping is probably the most challenging thing you could choose to try here, the area with the most competition and the most work required to get to the top of your field. But, it may just be the best as well.

by waspgirl6


Job Hunting: Altador
Some jobs are not what you may be expecting...

by starryrain


comic about Bori #2
having fun

by fudoggz

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