Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,880,593 Issue: 561 | 7th day of Gathering, Y14
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The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part One

The Mynci was exhausted after seven rounds, but he was determined to win the eighth and final match. His opponent was a burly green Skeith who was so large Abe could hardly find the steed upon which he rode...

Also by thropp

by sandrilene

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Confliction - Part One

Loraine laughed again. "There was a time when asking me to have mercy was a futile request. Back so many years ago, when I worked for Dr. Frank Sloth."

by kristykimmy
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"The First Piece" by graveyardcandyapple
His eyes were stinging horribly, and he had a feeling that he was not going to be able to catch up on his sleep before he had to leave. In fact, Theolounious Scrivenger was entirely certain that even though it was in his best interest to lie down and simply sleep for a good eight hours...

Other Stories


A Well-Deserved Vacation
She really needed a vacation. And that was a large irony in and of itself. She worked at a Neolodge, after all.

by panda_girl555


The First Piece
"The Grimoire of Inkdeath... does it not sound entirely exciting?" Dempsey gave Theo no chance to respond...

by graveyardcandyapple


Top 5 Versatile, Vivacious And Wow-Inspiring Wigs
Here's a few of my top suggestions for the most wonderful, versatile and wow-inspiring wigs that are just itching to go on a-head.

by fireairshadow


Guide to be a Good Avatar Collector
To begin, you have to choose the avatar that you want to get.

by candyh13


The Legendary Flower?
Things aren't always what they seem, are they?

Idea by immortal_demon2000

by fluffiehmedic


Neopian Adventures! - The Name Problem...
And this is why you don't give all your Neopets 8-letter names...

by c_h_a_n_g_e_l_i_n_g

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