For an easier life Circulation: 189,520,066 Issue: 555 | 27th day of Swimming, Y14
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New Series

Permanence: Part One

"Excellent." Dr. Death grinned, rubbing his hands together.

Translation: I'm going to have fun making her a prisoner.

by angelpuss535

My Name is Lavendrette: Part One

"I wonder what we're doing today..." the purple Grundo mused after about a moment. "The agency's been light on us lately..."

by i_love_my_kitty_4
Hero of Shenkuu: Part One

Quite frankly, I don't trust anyone else with the power that I have.

by encroached
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Grarrls: Underrated

For any frequent pound chatter, trading Grarrls, no matter how elusive their color is, can be a nightmare. Polls on the pound chat that ask, "Which Neopet do you dislike the most?" often elicit the Grarrl as a common response. Common reasons include, "Grarrls are hard to customize!"; "Their teeth are too sharp!"; and "One of them accidentally ate my Everlasting...

Other Stories


Ever Higher
Set stared out the window beside her desk. Central's skyscrapers reached up past and around her, steel and glass shining in the afternoon light.

by kittengriffin


Jhudora's Chance
However, there was something different about her, something that all other Kacheeks had that she didn't.

by neeraline


Remember the Citadel
Ten years ago a second kingdom was also discovered, a kingdom whose memory is far less honored or celebrated. Nearly ten years ago, the Darigan Citadel was first spotted hovering on Meridell's horizon...

by kjcanimals


Dressing the Part - Discovery of Meridell
Since King Skarl first founded Meridell, Neopians have come together each year to celebrate the kingdom's discovery...

by katiecoo802


You didn't want to stay dry, did you?

by vanillanillawafer


Sassi Comics: The Hostage
Keep sweeping!

by seiya_from_ashes

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