Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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New Series

A Precious Gem: Part One

Oh, we wrote at first, friends always do—but the letters became fewer and farther between, until they ceased altogether.

by patt788
Out of the Shadows: Part One

The class was in chaos.

First of all, the room was pitch black. Cobolt didn't know which idiot had managed to do that, but...

by rachelindea

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Colourful Negg-splosion!

Whatever colour you are painted, chances are you enjoy a good Negg. Who can blame you?! From Battle Duck patterned ones, to Neggs that actually taste of steak, Neopia's current selection of (usually) oval shaped treats has never been better. Whether you are tinted camouflage, disco or zombie, I guarantee that there is a Negg out there to meet your needs. In this article I am going to highlight ten gorgeous Neopet colours, and give some examples...

Other Stories


Silva's Story
She envied the other plushies who didn't need to try to get sold; they just sat there and waited. She wished it were that simple...

by bea0408


Squeaking Novas, Giant Flowers, and a Crying Queen
She couldn’t bear it anymore. Queen Fyora, the most dignified being in all of Neopia, fled back to her sanctuary...

by camherz


A Customizer's Guide to Spring
With spring in full bloom, it is important for customizers to know how to match this beautiful season with their pets' wardrobe.

by coco_bella


Scarblade's Pearl Personality Test
"This is a test compiled by a crazy Neopian named Roseliea who went through the trouble of interviewing each of the neopets featured in this test."

by theloverpokemonqueen


Lovely weather?

by pacute_2121


The Negg
Oh look!

Idea by l3lo0

by madamkambria

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