Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 188,147,882 Issue: 531 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y14
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New Series

Jhudora's Revenge: Part One

"Jhudora, hurry up! You don't want to be late!" my mother called out from the hallway.

"I'll be right down, Mom!" I replied with great excitement. "I'm putting out some petpet treats for Barty!"

by carrot_cake116

Showdown at Brightness Reef: Part One

With his azure and aquamarine swirls, the Flotsam seemed a giant skipping stone of living water. After a sudden backwards flip, he plunged below the surface. Moments later, in an explosion of aquatic grace, he burst forth from the depths...

Also by solsticesprite

by peirigill

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"The Undecided Faerie" by boscoemax
Jhudora suddenly told her that she should become a dark faerie. "But why?" she asked. Jhudora smirked. "I was testing you, my dear. I have heard you are unsure of what faerie type to become. So of course when you came here, I gave you a quest to see how fit you were to..."

Other Stories


Secrets of the Faeries: Jhudora
The grass crunched beneath Jhudora's feet as she began to walk through the forest behind her bluff. She had been coming here for a very long time...

by futurevetpet


Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter IV
The things we do for avatars...

by kristykimmy


The Best Snowball to Throw at Your Neofriends *SPLAT*
Before the snow melts and the hot chocolate is replaced with iced tea, why not invite your neighbor to a fun-filled evening of snowball fights?

by kspare2


How To Celebrate Jhudora Day the Jhudora Way!
The best possible day planning tips to live your Jhudora Day to the fullest, in such a way that even Jhudora herself will gladly approve of!

by sychologist


That's Life: Jhudora Day!
Poisonous Lollipops for EVERYONE!

by angel_star7


Woes of a JubJub
Don't you hate...

by xxautumnxx

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