Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 187,548,790 Issue: 518 | 28th day of Collecting, Y13
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New Series

A Deal with the Daniels: Part One

He raised his paw and envisioned a powerful blast of energy shooting forward. Instead only smoke poured from his fist.

"Okay, okay, smoke is good," he assured himself.

by a_greenparrot

The Witch and the Mortog: Part One

Wait, you say you have never heard the story? Surely you remember the story about Edna's curse, and the bewitched Mortog, and the way Vira became unfortunately notorious after...

by secant
Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part One

"First off, I must warn you that what you are about to hear may forever alter your perception of reality and life in general."

by gold_fang
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"Stories from the Outsyder Fringe: Time & Punishment" by outsyder
He never saw the Postal Uni deliver his stuff. It just somehow was found in the mail slot or in the front door when anyone least expected it. Talking to the Uni, all she said was that neither she nor anyone else ever delivered those things and they just somehow appeared, considering it the work of mystery and/or dark faeries. Jordy didn't care. As long as he received his stuff, he was not worried. So here he was...

Other Stories


The Awakening
Touch came first. Clammy, moist and clinging touch. Zoe could feel dirt encasing her body.

by teaspill


You were never meant to be a hero, boy. Stay on the dark side. The winning side. You'll be happier.

by killing_the_queen


13 Spooky Savings!
Tired of spending thousands upon thousands of neopoints over Halloween?

by antarticrose


A Scaredy-Cat's Scaring Guide
Do your friends say that you're frightened by your own shadow? Are you frightened by your own shadow?

Well, that's what I'm here to help you with.

by rider_galbatorix


Talk About a Random Halloween
Finally! We get to go trick-or-treating this year!

by buizelmaniac


Neopups Halloween
You're not the only one hunting here.

by coshi_dragonite

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