The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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New Series

The King of Diamonds - A Letter: Part One

I confess I became a victim to the Diamond immediately; why, if I had that gem, I would become the most feared monarch of all Neopia!

by cookiethelion
From Mud to Royalty: Part One

It was surprising to think that all these festivities were just for me, but I guess most Kikos couldn't remember the last time a Kiko left Kiko Lake.

by thesundims
Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part One

"I thought I was allowed to sleep in on my birthday," I muttered, sitting up and rubbing my eyes sleepily.

by hedgehog_queen
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"It's a Sunny Side Up Day" by alt1981black
"Oh my, you know it's a wonderful day when the flowers smell just like breakfast. But what's that I hear? It sounds like... giggling? Yes, I hear giggling. But I see no one here. Still, that sounds like Ccaenine's giggling. Ccaenine?" Just at that moment, Una opened an eye. The grassy fields melted like vapour, and instead, she recognised her Harris bed. It had all been a dream. But if that was a dream, why did she still smell something delightful? And why there giggling from behind her?

Other Stories


Kep and Shaye: Forever Friends
Uh oh. Tandrak knew he was in trouble now. He had very little time to react before Kep Bonnefie came bursting in the room.

by monkiegurl_22


The Heir To Altador
The story behind King Altador's greatest secret...

by madidogs88


Mystery Island File #1 - The Underwater Chef
The world of Neopia is filled with wondrous, mysterious lands and recently, we were lucky enough to visit the most mysterious of them all!

by ecilea


The Next Moehawk: Your Neopian Rock Band
A few things you need before you start your Neopian rock band.

by mheetu


Peppered Reality: Split part 1 of 2

by rivliex


LOGS #3- I won't eat that!
Too bad she doesn't know it's not made of REAL Kougras...

by sarahqzq

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