Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 185,422,742 Issue: 497 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y13
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New Series

Tyrants and Heroes: Part One

None of this meant that all Xweetoks were bad.

I was a Xweetok.

by ellbot1998

The Last Days of the Citadel: Part One

He had returned to find his Citadel in ruins and in the middle of a war.

by phoenixs_angel
Sailing the Stars: Part One

It was a light, starry summer evening in Neopia Central...

by bugsypal9
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Queen Fyora

As I walk along the streets of Faerie City, the air is alive with joy and hope. The buildings have all been rebuilt--and not just hastily put back together. No, the entire city has been remodelled to a point where it is actually more beautiful than it was before it fell from the sky. Everything is better than ever in Faerie City, and it couldn't have been so without the support and leadership of the Faerie Queen...

Other Stories


The Yellow Paper Airplane Show: Episode III
...welcome to the Yellow Paper Airplane Show, a vaguely new quiz show!

by amicaverbi


Loyalty and Yooyus
Illiley was in the most beautiful place, at the most beautiful time of year, and it depressed her.

by sunshinechelle


Pretty Fly for a Pink Guy
With the help of this article, it is our hope that Quiggles will never go hungry!

Also by omega_hobo_gogeta

by clintrocks2010


Faerie Footwear Findings
Have you ever noticed how you never actually see what kind of shoes most faeries are wearing?

by mystie06


Poor, Poorer, Poorest!
Not rich.

Idea by vasceptre

by frost_faerie


Is this a joke!?
I want to be a beautiful butterfly!

by vickinga

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