The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 185,375,383 Issue: 496 | 27th day of Hunting, Y13
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New Series

My Enemy, My King: Part One

It has been many years since you have wielded your blade in the service of Qasala. As your king, I command that you return...

by saphira_27
All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating: Part One

Sometimes Mr. Jennings liked to walk at night.

by herdygerdy
Taelia's Pride: The Beginning - Part One

"This is gonna be so fun! I want to visit the Ice Crystals shop, and maybe go visit the Snowager—"

by smoothiegrrl
Seeking Treasure Beyond The Cup: Part One

Team Krawk Island need to get back to their piratical roots... Cue Hannah!

by chimp_chicken_fish
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"A Day in the Life of a Neopian Hospital Nurse" by heat94on
I work as a nurse at the Neopian Hospital in the Plaza. It's a tough job, but I love every minute of it. I am a Gnorbu, you see, and we are kindness and good senses of humor, which makes taking care of ill neopets and making them feel better the perfect job for us! I am the oldest sister of four siblings, so I also have a lifetime of experience of...

Other Stories


The Price Paid for Curiosity
Do not ever be too curious. Nessa was good proof of that.

by chess_girl


Roses are Red
It wasn't until we were eight when things started to go wrong.

by prinessixi


Habitopia – 10 Ways to Improve Habitarium
Here's a list of some improvements to make the game more manageable and perhaps more fun.

by dawwetje


Altador Cup VI: The Team Files Part 5
This is the final part of the "Team Files" series! I'll be giving my verdict on the final four teams, and then it is up to you to decide who you'll be rooting for.

by zinkidy_dink


Spotting a Mystery - Part 02

by lovisa966


The Water Seeker
A little disillusion...

by schwarzernebel

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