Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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New Series

Gina and the New Girl: Part One

"There's a new girl at Neoschool, Gina! She's in your class, and her name is Kaitlyn, and she's a yellow Ruki. Isn't that the most exciting thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD?"

by thediractor
Aria of the Aeons: Part One

His dreamscape is filled with color, a collection of rainbow shapes that no other would be able to understand.

by kittengriffin
Jhudora's Journal: Part One

Instead of a warm gust of wind that I had tried to summon, a large blue orb shot from my hands...

...and through Jhudora's house.

by sheik_30999

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"A Petpet For Roarie" by benjithekid
It was her birthday and she could hardly wait. Roarie the Darigan Grarrl- real name Roarbgcrawr, but most pets and Neopians can't pronounce it- hadn't slept at all the night before. She should have felt tired and was sure that on any normal...

Other Stories


Secret of the North Beach
The north beach had always seemed a bit spooky, especially that little cave. . .

by chestnuttiger787


The Loveliest Uni
A charming story about a Uni that learns that being lovely is more than just looking pretty.

by pandora


Colours of Y12
Welcome to Colours of Y12. We are here to elect the most outstanding Neopet colours released in Year 12...

by redhare


Brutally Honest Reviews: The Twisted Roses
Who said girls can't rock out?

by _x_bjork_x_


The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 12)
Threats and insults are, apparently, expressions of friendship.

by hubadawaha


Great Expectations
An imposter inside an imposter... we need to go deeper.

by potterphileemily

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