Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 184,086,337 Issue: 480 | 4th day of Awakening, Y13
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New Series

My Life-Changing Realization: Part One

"Saphirie, are you sure you don't need help?" asked the doubtful speckled Draik watching from below.

by cutie110215
Lady Sandstorm: Part One

"It may be best to do what we did last time – remind him that Sakhmet and Qasala are allies. Unless he's tripled his forces since his last attempt, he can't possibly hope to stand against us together."

by saphira_27
Six Names, Six Lives, Six Owners, One Terrible Tale: Part One

I learned a lot of things, my first few days in the world. I learned about glue, and burritos, and apples, and socks, and Dr. Sloth, and white weewoos, and I learned that the neighbor's spyder is not for eating...

by ilovcanis
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Faerie's Ruin Prize Shop

What do you pick? What should you spend neopoints on instead of plot points? While I can't help you much when it comes to picking gallery items and wearables (those you have to pick on your own, I'm afraid), I can help you with one huge aspect of the plot point store: turning your plot points into neopoints. The most important piece of advice I can give you here is do not, and I mean absolutely DO NOT use the Trading Post solely as...

Other Stories


Cashmere, Meepits, and Evil Scientists, Oh My!
See, not all Meepits are bad. Just most. *cowers in fear from random Meepits staring* Um, I mean, gotta love 'em.

by sheik_30999


Of Speeches, Royal Acaras, and Notecards
"Remember the Ski Lodge you stayed at? Well, we've decided to invite you as a guest speaker. You'll write a speech about your skiing experiences, and this will gather better publicity for the lodge."

by chocolate_lover67


ALARM! Enemy Observed! Read Now to Be Safe!
Your everyday villain: Now a guide in how to defeat that big, bad Boredom!

by lovisa966


Making the Most of the Faerie's Ruin Prize Shop
I can help you with one huge aspect of the plot point store: turning your plot points into neopoints.

by phadalusfish


The Wacky World of Ezel68

by ezel68


Confetti: Faerieland Crater
When did that happen!?

by smlv4_smlv4_1_1_1

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