Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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New Series

The Play's the Thing: Part One

"Can't be doing with plays," Edna told them. "Too much fancy talking and not enough getting to the point. They take half an hour just to say hello."

by herdygerdy
A Very Hunter Christmas: Part One

"I can't believe this is going to be our first Christmas in the new house!" exclaimed Tsukasa, gliding around the living room dreamily...

by capricornhunter
Christmas of the Heart: Part One

Karen no longer knew what it was like to own a Neopet. She had nearly forgotten those days...

by puppy_girl252
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Celebrating Borovan Day

Borovan, the much-loved hot beverage of choice for Neopians, is celebrated each year on the 20th Day of the Month of Celebrating. This illustrious day of festivities is perhaps the pinnacle, nay, the centre-piece on the table of Neopian celebrations. After all, who wouldn't love to chow down on asparagus and hot chocolate-flavoured food and drink for a whole day? For those of you who have yet to discover the wonders of borovan...

Other Stories


We Truly Were
Leaves rustled in the cool fall air. A whisper of despair calling out into the openness.

by nirette


The Adventures of a P3
As Mootie began to snip once more at the tall stalks of grass, there was a sudden commotion nearby as a few soldiers rushed by, nearly knocking down a nester mootix. "What's going on?" Mootie asked, twitching his antennae nervously.

by ilovcanis


Peas Don't Hurt Me!
A list of the ten best pea foods out there.

by poogleluver345


Stay Warm This Winter
A few tips on keeping your Neopet warm.

Also by pisces_babe_

by hotredfirefaerie


Kougra days
Not for kougras...?

by _sebis_


CayCaed! #6
Give a little love.

by kattrish

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