Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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New Series

The Case of the Missing Eye: Part One

"I am sorry to call so late, madam, but it simply could not wait. You are Spottedleaf_789, the private detective?" she questioned.

by patt788
The Witching Hour: Part One

The Shadow Usul stared up at the bleak, star-studded sky, waiting anxiously for the time when she would begin to fade into the colour of her surroundings, until her very existence became disguised by the shadows.

by icy_catalyst
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"The Case of the Missing Eye" by patt788
She was dressed that day in a fancy veiled hat and an overly frilly dress, her colour Royal, giving the overall appearance of a cultured Neovian heiress with more Neopoints than she knew what to do with. My fees, I was sure, would give her a few ideas. "I am sorry to call so late, madam, but it simply could not wait. You are Spottedleaf_789, the private detective?" she questioned. "I'm your hissi," I answered...

Other Stories


An Odd Campaign
What would be next? "Preserve the zucchini?"

by fluffywoy


Your Slimy Admirer
Sometimes friendship comes in small and slimy (and unexpected) packages.

by proudpony


Trick-or-Treat: The Truth About Vandebart Biggsby
So much for tricks in place of treats. Mr. Biggsby's much-needed warning went unheeded.

by ironic_cynic4


How to Fail at Avatar Games
Well, you might wanna slack one day and just find ways to fail at getting avatars.

Also by smart_and_sassy

by munchie0722


Korbat Comedy - Christmas!
Ho ho ho.

Also by deathbykarma

by kougra__master


The Goofers
My first comic! :)

by lintsuf

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