For an easier life Circulation: 186,904,155 Issue: 465 | 15th day of Collecting, Y12
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New Series

High Society: Part One

He had plans for the city, plans to unite it as a whole, and march it forwards towards a glorious future of his own design.

by herdygerdy
The House on the Hill: Part One

Most of the stories of Werelupes and wicked faeries roaming the forest were just that — stories — but every once in a while, they turned out to be true, and even the most fearless denizens of the Woods weren't willing to take such a risk.

by izziemushroom
Story of a Zombie: Part One

I slid into the room and sat down next to a rainbow Ruki. He immediately scooched his chair away from me.

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt

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"The Lost Snorkle" by icanhaskaila
Today has NOT been a good day. I have no idea where I am, what is going to happen to me, or who my kidnappers are. All I know is that I am not safe. I was minding my own business, playing some games with my owner and a giant Grarrl came and took me down...

Other Stories


Girl vs Boy: Unis in the Battledome
My armor-clad hooves nailed my opponent square in the chest. That blow took the last of his hit points...

by blackghoulmon


Origins of a Shop Wizard
He took a cautious sip from the chocolate. "You know, I used to be a terrible shopper."

by neptune_star17


What Good is a Plot without a Conspiracy Theory
Their plan went into effect on the 20th day of the month of Gathering. While we Neopians remain in blissful ignorance.

by carrotbreath


Top 10 Yummiest Furniture Pieces
Chocolate, jelly and any furniture made out of real food is becoming a new trend in both new and classic neohomes these days.

by a_l2n_l2n_a


A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
All from Virtupets, of course.

by almightywebmistress


Hazard-ous Speck-ulation
Wisdom doesn't always come with age.

by cheetah_kougra

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