A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 182,656,520 Issue: 459 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y12
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New Series

New to Faerieland: Part One

Quiltelta isn't the most normal Uni around; in fact, she works at her owner's farm most of the day.

by zeximl
Avey's Castle of Hope: Part One

"Rosalina Siara! Oh, Miss Rosalina Siara!" Avey cried gleefully as she proceeded out of the front door of the Castle of Brightvale. "I'm going to the pound now!"

by puppy_girl252
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Terror Mountain's Best

It's no wonder what the weather's going to be like every day: snowing! Yes, that's right, seven days a week and three hundred and sixty-five days a year, you can expect a blizzard and very strong winds here in this winter wonderland. The temperature's always in the minus degrees and your lips are sure to turn blue, but fear not, I'm sure that you can get yourself warmed up when you randomly find a Christmas Paint Brush and get yourself into a nice winter coat...

Other Stories


Haunted: Lost
"M-m-matt?" Jake said. "I think we're lost..."

by jeran_b


A Lift Home
Yes, he had certainly taken a wrong turn at that last boulder. Or the one before that. Or that dip in the ground beside the gnarled tree...

by damson_rhee


8 Reasons Why Terror Mountain's the Best
Yes, that's right, the land that's literally on top of the world and is bursting with life and energy!

by setokaiba_4ever


Neoschool Hot Lunch: What's in the __________?
The lunch lady shrugs and says, "Beats me. I'm just being paid to throw it on your tray."

by st83_star174


The History of Tyrannia
One day at the Neopian Hospital...

Idea by lyteila

by tanemon1


Speak No More: Desert
You're not even in the desert, you're ten feet from the house...

by laehlani

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