Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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New Series

Breaking News: Part One

"Do you think you could set up another Expellibox conduit in Neopia Central?"

by herdygerdy
Stolen Spotlight: Part One

"Here's to the greatest thief of all time!" a voice called out from inside. "Please give it up for the one, the only, the fantastic Pant Devil!"

by wigglyfish
Vonde and the Mutant Yooyu Conspiracy: Part One

At first, nobody noticed... except for Vonde Cayle, since he was the one who had to score with the cursed things. He was sure of it, the Mutant Yooyus were up to something.

by hellehond
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"The Shape-Shifter's End" by purplepeggie
They were all talking excitedly. I figured they were probably the newbies' pets, being zapped for the first time. I recognized the Gelert, now half orange and half purple. "Split," I said, cutting into their conversation. "Not bad for the first time." The Gelert grinned eagerly. "Thanks!" she squeaked. "I was super scared, but it turned out super great, and now I'm super happy! My owner has been saving up for the Lab Ray Map for a super long time..."

Other Stories


Voyage of the River Skippers
"This is awesome!" Xilau yelled. The ghost Gelert had his front paws up on the railing; his ears streamed behind him in the breeze.

by newenglandquizzer


From Above the Dull Clouds
A rumor is a rumor; preparing for the worst will never help.

by tanzanite800


The Invisible Paint Brush - Why It's A Good Thing
The invisible brush is your saviour. Read on, naive, prejudiced, young Neopian.

by deeepbluesea


The Lesser Known Mutant History (Sloth vs. Krawley)
Krawley's role in the history of mutants is not known as clearly as Sloth's, nor is it as understood, yet there is very loose evidence that seems to link the two in the history of Neopia's mutants.

by alt1981black


The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 1)
Your shoelace is untied... Wait. You don't even wear shoes. Never mind.

by hubadawaha


The Cure For Beauty
Happy Early Kyrii Day. c:

by aliexandrie

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