For an easier life Circulation: 179,088,154 Issue: 437 | 2nd day of Eating, Y12
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New Series

Jhudora's Revenge: Part One

Jhudora doesn't make a vow lightly.

by ewagon
The Meepit Adventures: A Tale of Two Staffs: Part One

Mr. Meepit has to save Neopia from certain danger, but this time, he has help.

by doody_duty
To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part One

Mrs. Sleet snatched up Tally’s paper from her desk. Aside from the miniscule amount of writing on it, it was completely covered in doodles. Doodles of Acaras...

by water_glass
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Moustache Protection

The lucky few which are graced with this extraordinary bit of facial hair cannot help but draw attention to it, either by styling it into a particular fashion or growing it to an incredible size. Yet each one of them has one thing in common; they are proud of their beautiful moustache...

Other Stories


"Well, um, I was wondering, if going to Neopia was in your plans at all for your next nefarious scheme?"

by ginny_invisible


A Very Hairy Faerie Day
Faeries are people, just like any mortal, with all the flaws and virtues that entails.

So really, it's not at all surprising what happened on one fateful day when things got a bit hairy...

by cookybananas324


Surviving April Fools Day - Tricks of the Trade
Oh, April Fool's Day — the classic time of the year where mischief is in the air. Have you ever been pranked by one of your friends?

by rtt53


Key Quest and Heresy: A Second Look
Thought for the day: A logical argument must be dismissed with absolute conviction!

by thatsextraheretical


Neopian Anomaly
That’s what you get for badmouthing your opponent.

by lizica166


Usuls Plus One - Vampires

by maraqua_berry

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