Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 177,783,865 Issue: 430 | 12th day of Awakening, Y12
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New Series

The Kacheek Club: Valentine Detectives Edition - Part One

"I'm pretty sure I'm in the lead for the person who's getting the most Valentines this year. I've been keeping tabs on Kalandria's box, too, and it's not even near half as full as mine."

by jenlin_25
Goldrun, Revisited: Part One

Carefully, Victor unrolled the parchment in his hand and read it again.

To whoever may find this, we need your help. Our town is suffering from a-

by herdygerdy

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Lunar Festival Fun

Shenkuu is a beautiful land of exotic food, games, and Neopians. One of the things that Shenkuu prides itself is on is its dedication to tradition, and festivals are no exception. Since its beginning, the Shenkuu Lunar Festival has been one of my favourite celebrations, simply for its impeccable beauty! Those living in Shenkuu take considerable care to decorate, cook for, and truly celebrate this auspicious occasion! So why not join in the activities? If you're not able to take the trip out to see the event first hand, here are some ways that you can have a beautiful Lunar Festival...

Other Stories


Simple Things
Snow whirled around the airship. Blizzard conditions, the captain had said when they'd entered the storm.

by kittengriffin


A Complete and Ignominious V-day Catastrophe
Silence fell upon the table as both Jhudora and Sloth scoured the menu in search of incorrect subject-verb agreements.

by larkspurlane


Zap-and-Pounding - Does It Work?
I decided to perform a quick study to see what happens to pounded pets.

by elly042


Secrets of the Pound Chat
I have collected a great deal of notions that all seem to factor into the supposed "value" of a pet.

by teaspill


New! at the NC Mall
Baby clothes!

by lunarstar3


Fair Play
How badly do you want that Negg?

by greenflavouredink

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