Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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New Series

Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part One

Identical twin Royal Eyries, they'd always been equal in everything. No one knew which of the two was the eldest, and few could actually tell them apart.

by nimras23
The Possibilities are Endless: Part One

In less than an hour, hungry Neopets would begin lining up at the door of the Soup Faerie's cottage. I ran from the Marketplace...

by majikel
The Halloween Hoax: Part One

"I told Tiffany that we could hold the party at our Neohome this year!" Dandelion announced, grinning from ear to ear.

by jenlin_25
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"Yurble Tales: Tale #12" by lamelallama
"What place do ye think this is eh, Meri Acres farm?! Wait till I catch ye, I'll be sure to teach ye one of life's mighty vital lessons, one not found in a Booktastic book even- STAY OFF MY LAND!" The brown Yurble scowled, and spat smartly out at the country road that ran alongside his farm. Good-for-nothing hooligans! Ruffians! Pirates! Thieves!

Other Stories


The Argument
Suddenly, two Draiks appeared, both in sweeping robes of the colors white, gold and green...

by dragonstorm_75


Pirating For Somewhat Less Fun and Profit
"Oh. Er, that wasn't me. It was some other Darigan Eyrie who just happens to share my name."

by cookybananas324


The Neopian Food Review: Faerie Foods
The final review: good or bad?

by mrpanda1


Economics 101
To begin to understand this principle, let's start with a situation we've all experienced.

by darkdragoon772



Also by nerdytiger

by misshamsterlover


Starry Stuff; Halloween Issue Part 3
Awww... She doesn't look that guilty.

by marilltachiquin

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