There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 171,601,943 Issue: 397 | 19th day of Relaxing, Y11
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New Series

Fate of a Kingdom: Part One

"Can I go for a walk? I won't leave the castle." Her owner was too absorbed in her books to listen.

by briavel
In The Yooyu Cage: Part One

Not just an average Yooyuball game... not just the average Yooyus.

by hidden_cloak
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Iconic Villains & You

Neopia's resident evils have been a major part of our history and culture. Who can possibly forget the insane, twisted brilliance of Dr Frank Sloth - or his dastardly schemes to rule Neopia? And what about the mysterious Shadow Usul, the once beautiful Vira, the undisguised avarice of the (Angry) Tax Beast? Granted, a few of these shady characters aren't exactly criminal masterminds per se, but sometimes a little evil goes a long way. (It's the thought that counts!)...

Other Stories


The Game
Only when he returns will he be worthy to lift a powerful and old curse from his little sister. Day by day, the little sister waits for him to return...

by concertogreat_8


Slave- um, Employee Of The Month
He had worked at Kreludan Mining Corp. as long as he could remember. Every day was the same as the last...

by yaya567298


The Top 9 Questions; Altador Cup IV
Do you support your team out of loyalty, or winability?

by the_academy_awards


Eva's Practical Guide to Pound Surfing
Basically, it's the action of entering the pound and refreshing on a constant basis, looking out for painted, limited edition, well-named, or dream pets.

by pokemonmastereva222


the At Home version... EXTREME!
It's easy! How did you think the potato counter does it?!

by jokerqueen


Inflation woes

by picklecheesepie

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