Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 170,754,450 Issue: 394 | 29th day of Hunting, Y11
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New Series

Flying High: Part One

"I wish we could all be Cloud-chasers too, just like in the book," she whispered, keeping her eyes fixed on the star.

by bugsypal9
Faeries: Before the Fame - Part One

Fyora drummed her fingers on her desk as she waited for her class to start. Teaching new faeries was her favourite task...

by a_greenparrot
The Cost of Loyalty: Part One

"You won't like what I have to say, Your Highness."

by precious_katuch14
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Altador Cup: Team?

Read on if you don't have an old favorite, are new to the competition, feel like it's time for a change, or have indeed been living under your Pet Rock (which I was joking about, but if you really are, you might be getting contacted by the PPL, so heads up!). There are lots of ways to figure out which team is best for you: quizzes (including the helpful one offered to confused players during sign-ups), spinning a wheel with a wedge for each time, closing your eyes and randomly pointing... you could do that. Or you could think about...

Other Stories


Re: Sloth's Birthday Party
Dear Distinguished Neopian, 

You are cordially invited to Frank's Birthday Party!

by autotune


The Not So Deserted Tomb
"You're going to risk your life for a few neopoints and a rare item or two?"

Also by destinationxunknown

by _majestic_eagle_


What is a Chia Mite?
What are they? Scary looking, that's for sure. But are they really Chias? Or something else?

by hermione_890_neo


Omelette Full of Lies
The Tyrannian Omelette is an intricate conspiracy.

You heard me. I've done the research for you.

by yellowsugardog


Double or Nothing!

Also by yaksrcewl

by xixiwang242


Life of a Vegetable Chia: Episode Three
When life gives you lemons...

Art by ameya23

by confutation

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