There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 174,290,659 Issue: 388 | 17th day of Eating, Y11
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New Series

Ember: Part One

"Listen, Ember, you must never let anyone tell you you are any different, or aren't as good as anybody else, okay?"

by ralph89170
Of Mutants and Meepits: Part One

'If she is there, we will find her,' he said, finally answering Quentin's question. 'Let's go ask around.'

by d_morton
The Wish: Part One

"Thank you," she murmured. "I can give you one wish. But choose wisely. I will not give you another wish..."

by newmoon653
So Not Fair!: Part One

"But Eryn!" she wailed. "I'm tired of being brown! I've been brown since, like... forever!"

by majikel
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"A Knight's Nightmare" by rocknrollpup95
The screeching of the metal door woke Squire Meekel up. You would think that after being in this prison for over two years, he'd be used to waking up to that every day. He'd been in here so long that he forgot what it was like to wake up to the songs of the weewoos and Pteris and Lennies. He forgot what it was like to wake up to the rising sun. Who knew when he would wake up to those...

Other Stories


Rodger the Food Snatcher
"You just tripped me so you could get my basket of food!" Alice snapped.

by prettyxcutiexhere


Meditation on a Sigh
Grey. Draining the colour, draining the light from its surroundings. Like smoke. Like ash. Like dust. Like an empty tomb. Like the Grey Faerie, whose sadness could envelope you in its storm cloud, as it has her.

by mamasimios


What To Do With An Invisible Pet
While we were playing our games of the day, she disappeared. At first I thought it was a glitch.

by princess_penguin_


If Neopia Were Plantopia, An April Fool's Day Joke
This is what the current Neopian worlds would become if Neoplants took over.

by wildanimal7722


Drama Llama Xweetok?
It's basically the same pet, right?

by apricate


The Hero Society - #22
In which the entire mission kind of goes out the window.

by bearcatt

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