Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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New Series

Unwanted: Part One

Most of you reading this will naturally assume that I was destined to be the "evil" one...

by seegensays
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part One

"Then how do you suggest we address the matter?" the Head of the Altador Cup Committee spat.

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Sorcerer: Part One

It was discovered that Lockwood had an astonishing talent for magic shortly after his coming of age in the Month of Eating; and he was dispatched with due haste to the abode of the court wizard Lisha in order to cultivate his natural ability.

by jokerhahaazzz
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Run To Gadgadsbogen

This festival, which occurs once a year at Mystery Island during the Month of Running, is the celebration of new life, great friends, and most importantly delicious fruits and vegetables. Now, of course, I realize that not everyone enjoys eating fruit, let alone icky vegetables, but ten out of ten agree: "The fruits and vegetables of the Gadgadsbogen festival are a tasty treat for the eyes, as well as the taste buds..."

Other Stories


The Unstoppable
It was only a matter of time before one of Sloth's henchmen walked through the door and attempted to remove his mask.

by ayame_23


The Truth of Snowballs - Where Do They Come From?
You are stuck talking to the Shoyru running the Ice Crystal Shop, trying to find out how his never-ending supply is made.

by nucnad_eloop


The Top Ten Most Daring Neopians
Are they brave or just plain crazy?

by chubycheeks16


Daily Dare Setback and Frustration Prevention Guide
Here are some tips and strategies to help you deal with any frustration you may have, by thinking things out logically.

by you_are_my_happiness


Obviously Not #1
Trying out for the cheerleading squad

Drawn by marilltachiquin

by semicutie3


Say What?! 1.0
You have no ears...

by x_drey

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