There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 176,283,131 Issue: 350 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y10
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New Series

Following the Wind: Part One

"It's an old story, one that most everyone has forgotten and even fewer care to tell. Only the Faeries remember..."

Also by noob

by scarletspindle

The King of Werelupes: Part One

"You've been painted Halloween for ages, Fanger," Kieavin said as she appeared through the doorway. "You should be used to..."

by rachelindea
Taking Sides: Part One

Anyetta's smile grew as she read the information on the poster. "Wow," she breathed. "This year's tournament is going to be better than ever!"

by sheep_416
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"Three Hundred and Fifty Years of Knowledge" by imogenweasley
He was the Brain Tree. Strange as it may sound, the only mystery he had never been able to completely unveil had to do with himself. He knew nothing of his own origin. He knew how old he was and the date of his birthday with the help of complicated calculations, but the reason behind his existence and the source of his intelligence were unknown, even to him. Sometimes, when he racked his brain and tried to force the earliest memory he could remember...

Other Stories


Neopian Times Addict
Bob was a Disco Mynci and he was very excited about the 350th Neopian Times coming out. He enjoyed every Neopian Times...

Also by mmaarryy356

by stevo_013


Under a Gently Swaying Sign
"Well..." Cyrus said slowly, "I do need to leave, but I've got an- um- errand to run before I head home..."

by spunk1


What Kind of Weewoo Are You?
To celebrate the 350th issue of the Neopian Times, I've created a quiz to help you find out which Weewoo you are.

by confiserie


Treats on a Budget
With no omelette or soup involved, here are some ways

Your pets can be spoilt every day.

by rainbow_daydreamer


Fr33d0M 2 t3h FuNN3h PA93Z
There is no excuse. You can't be born with an elastic hairband.

by nickulla


Neopian Nonsense - Customisation Overload

by ilovehyrule

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