Meow Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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New Series

Witches Further Abroad: Part One

It was the annual witch convention. Well, annual might have been stretching it a bit; it was the first witch convention...

by herdygerdy
Tales of a Petpet Adventure: Part One

"Password?" the bush said and rustled a bit.

"Weewoo," said a Faellie in response...

by micrody

The Night of Nothing: Part One

After all, a day where nobody needs to be officially happy about anything is perfect for a place that thrives on fear and misery...

Also by spoonguardonline

by water_park1993

Vinsetta: Part One

"It's not like I had a choice," said Emma, continuing to stare out the window into the night. "They just dropped in and left her, saying they would return soon..."

by reggieman721
Memoirs of a Reluctant Villain: Part One

Everyone has a story...

by sweetie_butterfly
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"Witches Further Abroad" by herdygerdy
The meteor cracks in two, and the figure it contained stands up. He looks around, and a thin smile spreads across his face. "Perfect," the figure says in a raspy voice. "It shall start here." In a million alternate universes, the figure would have succeeded in his plans. In a million universes, the station wouldn't have depressurised and Grimilix would have made it back in time. In a million universes, Neopia would have fallen. This is not one of those universes. This universe has Witches...

Other Stories


Smash: The Way of My Life
Smash was everything a guy wanted to be, for if you were the king of Smash, you were the king of the school...

by rotty_paws


A New Friend...?
As if on cue, a rather large ixi acorn crashed through the window...

by eschebone


The Battledome: An In-depth Guide
Today's weapons are not as strong as they appear. This current stage is causing major inflation and deflation in pricing.

by virtualbori


Destruct-O-Match III – More Boulder Smashing Fun
Following in the tradition of the earlier two versions of this game, Destruct-O-Match III brings more puzzling fun.

by dipper70


How to Finish a Party
I have a super idea!

Also by optimystique

by rose_cel


All Day Life: First Day in Neopia
Sometimes you just can't dislike the Pant Devil.

by kepharigy

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