The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 176,283,354 Issue: 342 | 9th day of Hunting, Y10
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New Series

I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part One

"Let me get this straight. You came all the way to the employment agency today, waited in line for at least half an hour, actually came up to see me at this desk, and you didn't once consider what type of job you were actually interested in?"

by stingjc
Neovision Superstar: Part One

I took a moment to stare at the poster of Kenneth Kyrii, the latest celebrity. He was a star on Neovision- something that my own family didn't have...

by sunsetneversetting
Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part One

"In past tournaments, some of the elite players have been recruited by professional Altador Cup teams. If you try hard enough, you could be in the World Championship Game..."

by samschelfhout2
Becoming King Skarl: Part One

Abby sighed. She hated her job as advisor. The only reason she was here looking after some lazy Skeith was...

by amiyumifan96
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"Heart of Ice" by dancingpetal
She was stealing a key ring from the toy shop when two young faeries about her age fluttered right by her, chattering and giggling. Furia watched them, almost entranced, and a corner of her heart filled painfully with longing. A sudden urge grew inside her, an urge to join the young faeries, and never return to the Snowager...

Other Stories


Dawn: A Kougra's Awakening
"They? Who are 'they', Beryl?" Kougra stared at his guardian in worry. "Is someone trying to hurt you?"

by rainbow_daydreamer


The Mysterious Aisha Sorceress
The faerie seems to contemplate her question. "I am known to some as Ilere," she allows, "but names mean very little in this world..."

by dianacat777


The 15 Things To Do When You Are Bored List
We have all felt that feeling before; that feeling of accomplishment. Once you have finally finished all of your Neopets goals, what are you going to do now?

by kingskid999


The Top Ten Burger List
Are you one of those people having a hard time deciding what kind of burger you want?

by doopingla


Notions and Nonsense
"The Vacation"

Idea by patjade

by silverybreeze


Squid Madness?
I wonder what happens...

Art by invalid_character

by bartdrunkeys

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