Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,384,931 Issue: 311 | 28th day of Gathering, Y9
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New Series

Blue's Way: Part One

The painted Neopets looked at each other in dismay and confusion. An unpainted pet, speaking with them like he was painted too!

by kimssuperanimals
Ultimate Decision: Part One

She hated living like this, but Renelle was in a desperate situation. She needed more than fifty neopoints, but she knew that Hadia's offer would be firm...

by reggieman721
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"How You Look At It" by concertogreat_8
That is how Mica is; she loves everything and anything, no matter what it looks like. She believes in taking in what no one else wants: the imperfect things. 'It depends on how you look at it,' she says. She has never minded that Violet's name is...

Other Stories


The Mysterious Aisha Sorceress
She once was a normal Aisha--an Aisha named Melora. That, however, was some twenty years ago...

by aisha_enchantress110


The Imperial Exam
"Spell..." The Kacheek narrowed his eyes as he peered through his tiny glasses. "... linguine." The Chia made a choking sound, but nodded...

by nativsis


27 Reasonable Solutions to Everyday Neopet Problems
Presto, instant results.

by sylviau


Feed Florg Frenzy
Just who is Florg? Well, if you open the game, you’ll notice a big mutant Chia.

Also by knucklestheechidna52

by pretty_feet


Endlessinsanity - Little Cousins
Whoever thought cousins could be so... adorable?

by __wolf_girl__


One random moment...

Super Sweet Idea by dark_slammer

by flame_shadow_

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