Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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New Series

Etana the Coward: Part One

Etana laughed dryly. Etana the Coward, so terrified of danger that she'd barely left Brogan's library since the end of the Rebellion. It wasn't a new thought; sometimes she thought she heard pets in the street saying it, too...

by xialavin
The End of the Rainbow: Part One

The young Kougra shook his head, striving to get loose beads of water off. It was hard to think of a glimmer of hope when everything just seemed to be falling apart within him...

by littlej001
Curse of the Werelupe: Part One

"Great," Jenn exclaimed. "Now I only have to wait for your brothers to wake up so I can give you your present." She seemed to be bubbling with excitement...

by rachelindea
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"Cup Crazy" by funsunny
A blue Techo wearing a Darigan Citadel shirt was trying to jump the 10-foot fence that surrounded the stadium. "Five thousand neopoints for one seat," the Techo murmured to himself furiously. "No sir, this Techo won't pay that much!" He was halfway up the fence when he saw...

Other Stories


Two Days with Taelia
Netta could barely make out the figure that drew close to her, shouting to be heard above the blizzard...

by fearthejuliet


The Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise of the Bungee Jumping Blumaroo
"Face it, no one's excited about seeing the exact same thing time and time again..."

by tambourine_chimp


Snow Wars 2: Blasting Lupes and Snowbeasts, Oh My!

Also by knucklestheechidna52

by pretty_feet


You Could At Least Say Please!
Having to serve rude pets really makes my blood boil. Why do you think I'm a red Tuskaninny?

by queen_starshine


Neopia Magnified: Rainbow Fountain
If only it were that easy...

by coco_dog_92


When Addressing a King
...there are some things that you just don't say.

by prismfire

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