Meow Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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New Series

A Heroine's Heist: Part One

Cassie rarely ever visited this part of Sakhmet to see Stan, but when she did, Stan was not amused...

by jayandcourtneyk
Cylara's Journey: Part One

It was at approximately the same time that the faerie was gazing up at the stars that Keija suddenly sat bolt upright in bed - instantly awaked from a very odd dream - with a rather different type of smile dawning upon her face...

Also by denimsweetheart

by doughnut215

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Breaking Away

He was banished by angry townspeople, who were also victims of the elixir. Escaping from the mob, Bruno took shelter in a cave. Your ingame task is to play Bruno, who collects potions and carries them to the cave. When you bring all the potions, you advance to the next level. Sounds easy, huh? Unfortunately, angry, deformed Neovians will make this task a bit difficult. They throw stones at Bruno, and if a stone hits you or you bump into one of the townspeople, you will lose a life...

Other Stories


Letters to Rosie
I'm sorry I haven't written as much as I promised I would in the past two weeks, but I've still been trying to settle in here. Hopefully this letter will be the first of many...

by dan4884


Watching the Sunset
Even though it became a habit, the sky didn’t always assume the same color scheme every time. Sometimes it had more purple, sometimes more red, and the inconstant routine made the sunset, if possible, more beautiful...

by precious_katuch14


Meepit vs. Feepit - Let's Rumble!
In the Blue Corner we have the horror of the Haunted Woods. Fifteen bouts, fifteen knockouts. Weighing in at two and a half pounds, the undefeated reigning NFA Meepit vs. Feepit champion...

by tyleraapje


Toys Mania!!!!!
Why shouldn't users buy toys for their pets? This is toy central; if your pet is not having fun with its toy, then that means it is time to buy it a new one...

by mexico802


Kadoatery Kaos #2 - The 1337-est of them all
Binary has been fed!

by twiddl3d33


What so Ever
Please don't eat me!

by rubia_flame

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