The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 128,277,782 Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8
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New Series

Rising Shadow: Part One

Sally was just leaving the last of the saplings at the forest's edge behind her when a rustle of leaves caught her ears...

by sarahleeadvent
Brotherly, Sisterly Love (Well, Kind Of): Part One

Her bedroom door banged open. Light from the hallway flooded in, and the silhouette of her brother was framed in the doorway...

by 3dcourtney12044
Starlight Invasion: Keeping Secrets - Part One

Leaving the group, I flapped ahead to look at the cadet base, the small, bubble-roofed building that would be my home. My home, beneath the stars...

by rainbow_daydreamer
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part One

"Six am?! Why didn't you wake me?!" Aile cried, dashing outside. She was way behind schedule! Hurriedly, she checked the mailbox and pulled out the neomail. She dashed back into their large Neohome...

Also by jeanaet

by rainbow_lover852

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"Jealousy: A Tale of Two Salesmen" by firehazzard
Smitty was now on the porch. He looked about as though he was about to jump into a pit of brainrolls and rotten neggs that had been conveniently left in the road. In short he looked as though he was going to vomit. He knocked on the door. Once, twice. No answer...

Other Stories


Remember The Fall
The scream doesn't burst out of my mouth until I hit the icy water. Then I slip under, the salty cold of the sea filling my lungs and stinging my eyes...

by darkmaiden610


Petpet Problems
I heard the low sound of thunder in the distance. "Oh, no," I thought. "Here we go again." I sat on the floor, still hugging Chip, hoping he hadn't felt it or heard it...

by nybanonpu


The Petpet Awards Ceremony
Ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats. Thank you for coming today for the 5th annual PAC (Petpet Awards Ceremony)...

by machoman3


No one is taking the time to eat well and look after themselves because they're too busy playing Yooyuball, exploring new continents, fighting in the Battledome and gambling. When your schedule is so hectic, it's easy to give up on nutrition and grab the nearest thing at hand.

by demonlightreal


The Art Of Nonsense
"It's not working..."

by kaalypso


Neo-Displacements - Love After It Rains
Rain + Clouds = Fur?

by kopacca2592

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