Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 132,988,897 Issue: 246 | 30th day of Relaxing, Y8
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New Series

Blade of Fire, Blade of Ice: Part One

A flash of light, and then the blade slowly creaked apart. Out of it leapt first a fire Draik, who immediately made for the door, pursued closely by an ice Draik...

by danama
The Lost World of Stnaltia: Part One

"If you want to catch something good, then you have to be patient..."

by silentbutterfly
For the Altador Cup: Part One

The young Ixi was a daydreamer, and as she floated along in the middle of one of her favorite dreams of visiting an incredible, marvelous, far away kingdom by the sea, she heard a strange noise...

by lili483
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Team Haunted Woods

Their fan base growing with each goal they score, they are enjoying more support this year than they have in the past several tournaments combined. With such an increase in fan following, they have become one of the four hottest teams in the tournament, and I was surprised that I managed to book an interview with the team immediately following their well-earned victory against Brightvale. I found the team in the halls of the Colosseum, cheering excitedly...

Other Stories


The Fall of Jhudora
On this certain day, an Eyrie was sauntering down the street, followed by a Kougra and a Lupe. They were not anything extraordinary; nay, they looked quite mundane...

by hermione_granger591


A Yullie's Day Out
Janichen plopped a small, dense bundle of yellow fur into the Usul's lap. "I read somewhere that spending time with your petpet makes you more relaxed," she explained...

by evilhamster13


Code of Yooyu Welfare
With the recent Cup, this League has found the need of a new Welfare Code, in order to protect the rights of the yooyus.

by ladyxzeus


The Many Dialects of the Neopian World
Many times you can use these select dialects and get yourself out of trouble by promoting a well know tribal friendliness.

by lostanddomlover911


The Chromus Crew
The doctors in Neopia just aren't as good as they used to be...

by chromus


Beware the power of cute...

by obviousfakename

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