Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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New Series

Destiny of Seamstress Cybunny: Part One

That day was quite frigid as usual. I arrived at Shai's Outfitters, which sold many different outfits and plushies...

by anime_cybunny
Because of a Jawshell: Part One

Soon we came to the drop off. The drop off was where we jumped in to the water to get to the underground fishing cave. My owner smiled cheerfully...

by anna_invincible
Pages of a Lost Past: Part One

I've been becoming restless. My days seem more and more meaningless, and my nights are filled with strange dreams that are oddly familiar...

by sibertiger9
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Exiting the Citadel

Gravity really has a lasting effect on people living high up in the air. At least Faerieland has the odd faerie to save you as you plummet. So, just what is the best way to leave the Darigan Citadel? No one knows. But, to be useful and annoying, I have compiled the ten WORST ways to leave. Enjoy! NOTE: The author of this article takes no responsibility for any of the following: maiming, personal injury, mind damaging experiences...

Other Stories


The Story of the Rocking Chair
Every evening, the Xweetok went away, but would always come back the next afternoon. The rocking chair felt its happiest when she came...

by ange_lin


Uni Fun?
Rebeka Lyn had become obsessed with reading the day she saw the Neopian Book Award. From that day forward I hadn't been able to get Rebeka Lyn out of the house for more than a few minutes...

by hitomebore


A Guide to Magnificent Flowerbeds: Dos and Don'ts
While some flowers grow normally, others wither or get sick or even worse, they get eaten by other flowers. How can you avoid such flower tragedies?

by mooncat27


The Altador Cup Dream Team
With the Altador Cup moving into the third round, we've assembled a line-up that we think would make for a pretty unstoppable team. But with so many exceptional players to choose from, who made the list and who just missed out?

by rookina


Shumtin CrAzY - Looky!
Looky here!

by foreveryou3008


Must Find MEep COokies!
After seeing this, you'll wonder why anyone would fear a meepit.

by 0riginal_sin

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