Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 107,594,495 Issue: 215 | 4th day of Storing, Y7
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New Series

Absolute Reality: Part One

Shaking his head once again, Kali got off his bed. He was beginning to repeat himself, and it wasn't exactly a pleasant task. Reality was so dull...

by shadowcristal
Shadowchild: Part One

He was drawn to the blade; it glittered like a precious gem amidst the desolation of the field of torn up earth...

by sara_mossflower
Purple Pebble: Part One

"How should I know? We're in the middle of the Lost Desert for crying out loud!" Ollie said indignantly...

by mygoodguild
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"The Warf that could Fly" by bookworm01
Alone, Norp steadied himself and waddled towards the kite-bearing tree. He came to its vast, wide trunk and looked up. It seemed to touch the clouds. The kite was stuck up in the highest part, twisted around the highest branch. "BARK! WARF! WORP! WOOP! WOOF!" Norp howled. The kite line just barely dangled above his head...

Other Stories


The Wishing Well Blues
"Jazz, I highly doubt that you'll get your wish after 27 times," I said reasonably...

by animalnutz1993


Ocean's Embrace
As they laid her down on the deck, the Uni stayed still, weighed down by the heavy net that bound her. Her breath came in ragged pants, clouding in the salty sea air...

by laurelinden


"I Fell off Faerieland" - and Other Wacky Excuses
"Uhh," you falter, unsure how to explain your tardiness. You know what? It sounds like you could use a good excuse!

by playmobil_is_my_life


High Time
In examining the assorted worlds or nations of Neopia, I realized that there seemed to be a rough but noticeable correspondence between altitude and technological development -- or in some cases between altitude and historical era.

by schefflera


Top Tips for Neopians
Amaze your friends!

Also by effinluna

by mao_mau



by starsparkler

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