A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 91,831,644 Issue: 177 | 11th day of Awakening, Y7
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New Series

Remember Me?: Part One

"Give it up, Shoyru," he growled as he got closer. "You're no match for me, and you know it. What have you got, but a scrawny little sword?"

by 3dcourtney12044
Battle of Imagination: Part One

We just tell each other stories, and the person with the best story, has the best imagination of the group.

by undeadfortune
Give My Regards to the Ixi of Doom: Part One

"Alright, stop! That's plenty, Zarrelian," he snapped, cutting the Ixi off. "I think that I've heard enough to make a fair, ahem, assessment of your... 'abilities'."

by battlesunn
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"Golden Eyed Friend" by who_caresxx
Anri, your poem is beautiful. It sounds like you wrote this for someone, like a personal love poem or something. Did you?...

Other Stories


Triss and the Not-So-Funny Valentine
"Sure, you're a little stuck up sometimes…" but decided against it noticing his sister was close to tears. "Who could have done this?"

by o_apollo_o


A Valentine for Nara
Ah! The feeling of success! Garell held up a red envelope and several sheets of pink paper. He also grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink from Ellen’s table before he returned to his own room.

by shadowcristal


5 Steps for Success in Valentine Making
Welcome to the informational article about how to make your perfect valentine. We will cover this lesson in 565 easy steps! *Sees everyone start to walk away.* Wait, come back! How does five steps sound?

by hottamale0774


Item Descriptions For The Alternative Neopian: A Fifth Helping
Ripped Skarl : All those months at the gym finally paid off!

Also by simsman24000

by too_kule


Just Great! Valentine's Day
"Valentine's Day"

by jeaniesofatso


Buzz and Bark
Skoop has a valentine!

by sharakh

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