For an easier life Circulation: 90,556,237 Issue: 160 | 1st day of Collecting, Y6
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New Series

Behind the Doors of Another Class: Part One

"Yes, Fluffy, this really is incredible news!" said Miss Ford, a strawberry Poogle. "But unfortunately, we'll miss you. This'll be your last day with us.

by precious_katuch14
The Neo-Rakarr: Part One

Kokyu knew something was wrong. He had sensed the flash of wrongness in Aihami's direction, and as he read her glance clearly he thought he could guess the cause of the trouble...

by shelleylow
The Good Days II: The Search for Glenda - Part One

"I thought you still hated her, so I trapped her on a desert island in the middle of nowhere. Sorry."

by puzz1ed
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Never Too Old!

Greetings, fellow Neopians! I'm here to address a very important issue with you, an issue that many are confused about. It's a subject that I see brought up on a constant basis. Nearly every time I visit the message boards I see a post relating to it in some way. Getting curious?...

Other Stories


A Punchbag Named Sid
Sid just stood there, letting the information sink in. Favorite… Being special. The bitter taste of losing spread in the punchbag's mouth as he walked off to the house.

by shadowcristal


The Lost Ball
 "I can't find my Big Bouncy Ball," LadysShadow told him, and he sighed. "I've looked everywhere."

by thecatlady


My Take on MAGAX: Destroyer
What do you think of when you hear MAGAX: Destroyer? Do you think of Hubrid Nox’s evil schemes? Or maybe you think of the mysterious hero, Magax.

by theblackwolf353


Dear Roxy: Painting Problems Solved
Now, I must poke a hole into pet owner’s fantasies and silly day dreams. In reality, paint brushes don’t solve everything.

by roxycaligirl101


A Gruslen Game of Fetch
What will Tennyson the Gruslen come back with this time?

by rhuddlan


NeoDiaries of an Enslaved Kiko
Why are you in the dark?

by _lordofthefrogs_

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