Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 110,013,549 Issue: 158 | 20th day of Gathering, Y6
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New Series

The Eragotten Legacy: Part One

"No matter how deep the darkness, a light will always shine through..."

by dando52
The Disappearance of Choppy: Part One

The baby Uni tossed several other plushies out of her way, but returned from her closet without having retrieved the cherished Choppy. She glanced quickly over her unmade bed and frowned. Where could he be?

by charmedhorses
The Search for Petpet World: Part One

It had been three years since Jobo was born. He had turned out to be smart and useful around the home. But, one day, when he was turning four, he had suddenly stopped using his intelligence...

by darkfaerie700
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Not All That Complicated

I know that most people think Plushie Tycoon is a very complicated and time consuming game. The thing is, it's not that complicated. The first time that you start off there are many confusing aspects that are hard to get by, including: When your factory and workers will work, why does it say I can only make Grundos? and how many workers should I hire? Here's a guide to the game that should get you on the right track!...

Other Stories


A (Lab) Ray Of Hope
This is it, he thought, this is my chance to change. I won't have to be called ugly any more … everything rides on this…

by spotthechelsey


Wadjet in a Tree Trunk
"I'm being just like the Neopets at school now, picking on people for no good reason. You must be lonely; have you got any friends?"

by lemonkitty13


All Day Long, You Think About Sloth!
Lets play a mentally stimulating game with you, my precious reader!

by plushieowner


The Importance of Good and Evil
What would happen to Neopia if we didn't have them? Would we be happy? Or would it be really boring?

by platinumprincess99


What's This String?
Don't pull it.

by moscowmule


Almost Normal
Ready or not, here I come!

by _leraje_

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