Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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New Series

The Dream Quest

“Yes!” Solanza crowed, pumping her fist in the air as the text flashed across her screen: CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE BEATEN NEOQUEST!

by ellienib
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"The Birthday Celebration Race" by skipperjen
A flutter of activity stirred in the early evening air of the Lost City of Geraptiku. Under normal circumstances, the mysterious jungle surroundings would have been silent. Today, things were different. An Elephante tromped past the collection jar of the vacant Petpet shop, doing his best not to drag a large banner through the rich soil. “Interesting choice for our birthday celebration race…” His companion, a Scorchio, observed quietly. He hopped slightly, untangling a vine that had managed to coil itself around his ankle. “Are we sure we will have a good turn out this year?” “Queen Fyora chose this spot herself.” The Elephante grunted in response. He did not know why he was explaining this to his friend once again. The Scorchio had been grumbling about the location several times through the weeks leading up to the race. “It’s the only spot where inhabitants would not be disturbed.” Now that they were actually in Geraptiku setting things up, he was able to see for the first time just how lost and forgotten the city actually was. There were dwellings scattered throughout the area, but the ringing silence indicated that the place had long been abandoned. “Very well.” The Scorchio replied, setting down his supplies. “Let’s get things set up and head out quickly.” The Elephante nodded in agreement, making quick work...

Other Stories


The Afterparty Cleanup
The day after Neopia's birthday celebrations was a time when most were still happily drifting along on a sugary sweet cloud of treats; however, for those in the Cleanup Brigade it was one of the busiest days of the year.

by ningkov1


Bones & Birthday Cake: A Lenny Curator Tale
The huge, looming skeleton of the Monoceraptor with sharp, gaping teeth - endless file cabinets of dusty records and research dating back hundreds of years back - clean glass drawers full of delicate, shining scarab beetle specimens. These are scenes that may be awe-inspiring to the average Neopian, but to the Lenny Curator, this was his everyday life.

by drziggs


9 Plot Characters Who Captured Our Hearts
What can be said about her that hasn't been commented on before? Hannah is the quintessential Neopets #1 heroine.Collab with sebaspet717 and kikepv

by rascle90


Neopets’ Greatest Hits: 25 Moments Shaping Neopia
Neopets has always been about community, friends, family and loved ones coming together to explore an online world that is filled with magic, mystery and a hint of mischief. Collab with mrblobby1984 and spitfyre_momma

by mango_


Floppy Ears
Let's celebrate!

by soderham


Trouble in Paradise: Our Own Happy Place
Happy birthday Neopets. May you continue to be a joy for all of us in any of our dark times.

by chasing_stars44

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