Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 196,379,842 Issue: 904 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y22
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Hi! Just wanted to say I absolutely love both the Altador Cup Staff caricatures and the Luxury Sky Box Lounge Neocash items! The art is just above and beyond. Great work, TNT! ~earthlingdreamz
So glad you like it! It was a lot of hard work but fun to come up with all the items!

Can you please have Donny fix MME25-S5a: Storage Gear Trinket? It won't show up on pets in a custom. Thanks
Donny has done his duty and it's nearly done!

The home page says the Random Contest is back! Is this true? Can I finally get this avatar?~~textingdinosaur
So yes it is back but we haven't had a contest in a while. But we would love to do one this summer once things slow down a bit!

I've loved the new staff members being highlighted in the New Features! It's awesome getting to know you guys and makes me want to add them to my teams for the Staff Tournament. :) ~~hey_choking_hazard
Aw cool glad you are liking them. We have a pretty cool group of staff so I'm lucky to work with them. And we want to connect with you all more and more so we hope this is another step in that direction.

*Dances out on stage with a cane* Hi, TNT! I was wondering if I could put in a request for the color that will be released for Poogle Day later this year? I realized that they can't be painted Water yet! I'm in need of a non-starter color for my Poogle, and Water just might be the color she needs! Thank you for reading!
Oh Water poogle would be awesome! I have put it in my notes so I will do my best to make it happen.

Could we have a contest for designing the next new avatar? We could enter by giving explanation on how to get it, and maybe designing a first draft of it!~~makiee_
Ohhh this sounds like an awesome random contest idea...hmmm...very interesting...

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