Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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Continued Series

Return to White River

"Portia let Charrie think on what she had said for a few days, keeping conversations polite but distant. She got back to daily operations of running the town, while..."

by hzoo_26
The Primordial Saga: A Faerie's Woe

"Brynn charged at Illuma with her sword, but the Faerie blocked the strike with a sword she conjured out..." Collab with knightwolfalex

by rurirawr
Sands of an Hourglass

"The six Neopets walked through the gates of the prosperous city of Kheru, known for its opulent buildings, famed warriors and gold-and-purple insignias..."

by nick_and_nickette
The Shoyru Spy

"Slowly blinking, Sylas tried to regain focus. His head hurt, and night was creeping in around him with all the strange sounds of the jungle getting louder..."

by iwonder
Knight & Squire: Unwilling (Resubmitted)

"Small rays of morning sun gleamed through the castle windows, suffusing the red and gold carpet with warmth and radiance..."

by terpsichorean_writer
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What Petpet is best for you and why it's a Slorg

What Petpet is best for you and why it's a Slorg: 10 reasons why it's time to sprinkle some Slorg Flakes *** In this beautiful world of Neopia, we are blessed with a plethora of incredible Petpets: from those unusual Moltaran amalgamations to the humble Meepits and Feepits (what are they still fighting for?). As a recently returning player, it was a little overwhelming to choose an appropriate Petpet, but I chose correctly and I think you should too. They can only be described as angels from above (viscous angels perhaps, but angels nonetheless). I'm tired of Neopians acting like these bundles of slime are not the peak of Neopian existence, since they simply are. Here are 10 reasons why the Slorg is the appropriate Petpet for you: 1. Slorgs are affordable Sure, they are not literally 5 NP, but if we are to compare them to even our friend the Meepit, we can easily see that Slorgs are quite reasonably priced for the value that they will bring to your life. You won't need to liquidate your shares in the Stock Market or dig deep into your Food Club winnings in order to secure a new home for your very own Slorg. 2. Slorgs are generous Perhaps you find yourself slurping up soup from the Soup Faerie, living from jelly to jelly, omelette to omelette. Some Slorgs around Neopia have been known to share their wealth with a nice smile and this is something that should not go unnoticed. For many Neopians in the community, every Neopoint counts.

Other Stories


The First Crashing of the First Festival
"She took in the Ixi's festival attire, a composition of mesh, glitter, and denim that had gone past the point of distress and into agony..."

by liouchan


Coming Home
"The small thump coming from the downstairs kitchen was what woke Sandra from her restless slumber. The Orange Kougra sat bolt upright, glancing across the room to find her sister, Cory, still asleep..."

by acorna12


Modern Neoschool Must-Haves
As autumn approaches, bringing with it the maple-scented promise of hot Candy Pumpkin Lattes, Halloween Jubjubs lining leaf-strewn streets, and Extra Plaid Scarves shielding against the chilly Neopian air, one thing is for certain: the month of Gathering is upon us.

by purplepeggie


Preparing for WAR
It's an exciting time to be a Neopian, and with the recent AMA, we learned that there will be an upcoming PLOT!

by ohitzme


Chaos At The Crashsite
"Out of jail. Again..."

by xxstarl1ghtxx


Jamboree #1
It's good to be back :)

by poison_jam_fae

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