Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Continued Series

The Royal Thief Unbound

"Work from the shadows rarely gets recognized..." Collab with breakeven

by k3l26
Mordred the concertmaster

"It was the night before the big talent show. Over the past week, the twins and I had bumped into Braxton a few more times..."

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
A Hero's Journey: Seasons (for issue 975)

"O Faerieland, Faerieland, hard shall you fall..."

by precious_katuch14
Valentine Mystery Noir

"I woke with a start to the sound of a Weewoo chirping on the ledge outside of my office window..." Collab with superkathiee

by honorrolle
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Illusen's Lament

Long Ago in Neopia The field of flowers seemed to go on forever. Tiny creatures flitted from flower to flower, pausing for pollen before moving on. Two faeries sat in the field looking around. One had brown hair with a streak of green running across the front. Her skin was a warm, tan color like earth and her eyes, clothes, and wings matched the greenery around her. The other had purple hair with a streak of green running down its length. Her skin was a pale lavender, her eyes dark purple and her dress and wings continued the purple and green theme. “Isn’t this a lovely day Jhudora? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every day was like this?” Jhudora snorted. “I prefer a bit more gloom, myself. I’m not sure how you can take it Illusen. All this seems a bit too sweet.” “Well, to each her own. Have you heard what the decision was for a place of our own?” “It was voted to create skylands. I’m surprised you weren’t there.” “I was tending a sick Uni.” Illusen frowned. “Skylands? How will Neopets get there? Not all of them have wings. What about the Water Faeries?” Jhudora laid back. “That’s what I wanted to know! Everyone thought I was being a malcontent. I’ve seen what they’re making–it’s pink and puffy. You’d love it!” “Ha! No way! I couldn’t separate myself from the Neopets. They need us! We should be making somewhere for ourselves on the ground, not up in the sky!” “Well, what Fyora wants is what Fyora gets! I’ve heard Calabrus gave them something to help. I think I might make my own place up there, just to shake things up.” “Ah, well, I had hoped you’d stay down here with me.” “You’re great Illusen, but this kind of greenery makes me feel queasy! I need somewhere a bit gloomier.” Illusen smiled. “Well, you are part Darkness, so I suppose that makes sense. Still, I hope Fyora reconsiders. A home in the sky might be secure, but it’d separate us from the Neopets and, somehow, I’m sure that’s only going to end in trouble!”

Other Stories


Bright Glade, Shadowed Forest
"She hadn’t been offering quests at her glade for very long; she’d started relatively recently, after hearing that Jhudora had started out giving quests back in Faerieland."

by cookybananas324


A Symol Matter
How do you handle Symols at the farm?

by kadface


Illusen's Lament
"The field of flowers seemed to go on forever. Tiny creatures flitted from flower to flower, pausing for pollen before moving on. Two faeries sat in the field looking around."

by kaioti


The Ecology of Neopia
"The land of Neopia is vast and wondrous, with countless mysteries waiting to be solved and incredible discoveries happening every day. Welcome to another edition of “Science with the Seekers,” where scientists from around Neopia share their expertise with the world."

by parody_ham


Awkward Avatar Hunters: Illusen Day
Illusen Day happened to be a little different this year for avatar hunters ;)

by 6moricehero6


The Happiest Quiggle (FOR ILLUSEN ISSUE)
"Finally, the winner is..."

by nut862

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